Creating a Gallery That Speaks to Your NGOs Mission
Anyone only needs a fraction of a second to form an opinion. That is why non-governmental organisations (NGOs) go to great lengths to curate their galleries. For NGOs, the bottom line is always to raise awareness, and here are some tips to help you create a compelling galleria for a non-profit.
Go For Authenticity
Genuine and engaging photos usually evoke an emotional feeling. Therefore, you cannot afford to use random stock photos. Instead, have a curated NGO Online photo gallery list that speaks to your mission. For starters, you should consider having a dedicated person, preferably a professional photographer, to help create a robust gallery.
Work with Image Quality Standards
Like any digitisation project, NGO Online galleries must be governed by some set standards. In this regard, the common goal should be to display images in their original form. For an online gallery, you must be guided by sizing standards. You might be obliged to compress images to enhance your website’s load speeds without compromising on quality. For the best results, work Precio Fishbone for up-to-date digitisation solutions for online success.
Images are worth more than a thousand words, so they say. Why can’t you show it instead of belabouring yourself with countless words to tell a memorable story? What images are most representative of your NGO’s mission? Best of luck!