One of the key things that an online gallery site owner needs to keep in mind is that technology is constantly changing. This applies to how customers will access these websites. An increasing number of internet users are turning away from traditional computer use.
Instead, app based technology is becoming more popular. This means that the sites and/or services are accessed as their own programme rather than through a browser. These apps usually still require an internet connection.
An online gallery owner should keep this in mind when designing the layout of their site. If possible they should hire a web designer to create an app version for mobile use. This will help keep the site relevant with changing technologies. It will also increase the amount of potential customers.
An online gallery app will allow users to access it while mobile. This can be used to make it more interactive. For instance, a user could take a picture on their smartphone while outside. They could then store this picture onto the gallery.
If the site owner wants their app to increase in exposure then it is worth submitting it to a well known online store. That way a large amount of people will be able to see it and download it if they wish. It is advisable to offer the app itself free of charge. Users could then pay a subscription fee for a full version.
This business model has been proven to work for other gallery sites. In order to avoid customer confusion it is best to keep the app looking and functioning as closely to the browser version as possible. The best way to do this is to have the developers of both versions working closely together.